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ELIXIO Life Series 30ml Cannabis-Oil® + Elixio CREAM  60ml

Pressed extract (🌸Rosin method) of pure resin (99.5%) from Organic Cannabis Flowers. Mixed with organic extra virgin olive oil, all under high pressure at controlled temperature regarding the type of oil(strain/genetics). Using non-invasive techniques and avoiding artificial synthetics, solvents, pesticides and any undesirable chemical. 💯% natural. Non-GMO

Cancer, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Migraines, Stress, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, HIV, Disease of Crohn, Autism, Psoriasis, Glaucoma, Psychiatric Symptoms, Autoimmune Disease, Anorexia and Cachexia, Endometriosis, Spasticity, Seizures, Angelman Syndrome, Withdrawal Syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, Nausea and Vomiting, Improves the Reproductive System, Regulator Sleep and Temperature (Fever)

+ Each patient is unique. Cannabis depends on the Endocannabinoid System of each person (which is not the same in all people). It is not an Antibiotic that kills a Bacterium. If the strain and dose is correct it will be known over time.
+ The patient's changes should be evaluated every day. When improvement is seen, hold that dose(# drops) everyday.
+ Never speed up the process of taking drops. Not because it hurts the patient, but because what is sought by gradually incorporating drops is "awakening", "activating" the complex Endocannabinoid System of the organism, which we remember, is characteristic of each individual
+ Shake the Elixio oil container before using. Then close it well and keep in a cool dry place without exposure to sunlight.
+ It can also be mixed with any liquid that is NOT hot.

you must place the drops sublingually, wait between 60 and 120 seconds and then swallow.
Day 1 to 3: 2/3 drops every 12 hours
Day 4 to 6: 2/3 drops every 8 hours
Day 7 to 9: 3/4 drops every 8 hours
Day 10 to 12: 4/5 drops every 8 hours
Day 13 to 15: 5/6 drops every 8 hours
Elixio Lab recommended max: 7/8 drops every 6 hours

​​​​​​​A luxurious cream with moisturizing and nourishing properties.We use non-invasive techniques. Avoiding artificial syntheses, solvents and any undesirable chemical substance. Elixio BeesWax from The best hives of Uruguay. Healthy and growing bees.
CONTAINS:+ Pure Beeswax & Bee Pollen+ Olive Oil+ Cannabis Rosin: 100mg/60ml CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, CBDA., CBCA, Terpenes ... (non-THC)+ Vitamin E, A, C, B1, B2, B6+ Antioxidants+ Omegas3,6,9 (vegetable) + Zinc, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Calcium
GMO 🆓 / ALCOHOL 🆓 / THC 🆓.With antibacterial and antifungal properties
MULTIPURPOSE USES and TREATMENTS+ Calms pain and skin irritation.+ Relieves muscle contractures+ Anti-Age: stops the appearance of wrinkles and expression signs.+ Psoriasis and Ezcemas+ Hydrates the skin+ Chapped lips+ Skin regeneration+ Protection against oxidative stress+ Decreases inflammation+ Removes bruises+ Helps against bacterial and viral infections+ Nourishes skin cell tissue+ Helps remove small scars+ Reduces acne marks+ Balances melanin production+ Balances face tone+ Protection of free radicals

Combo: Elixio LS 30ml + Cream 60ml

77,00$ Běžná cena
69,00$Cena po slevě

    Regarding your location, we will deliver the product through our nearest representatives.
    Shipping time varies according to location

    **Elixio Lab Cooperative take not responsability of the legal policies of your country, the customs costs, blockades and so on. 

  • US Dollars

  • Liability Release

    Elixio Lab, in all cases, recommends that you should consult your physician first.
    The information published does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such.

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Uruguay / Švýcarsko

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** Ceny v amerických dolarech

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