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Capsules / Pills

shells: hypromellose / pullulanty
types: cannabis oil / decarboxylated dry cannabis flower
capsule-filling machine

There are many reasons that Elixio capsules are a great option for cannabis users. Capsules/pills are swallowed, not smoked, so they are safer to use overall, as are most weed edibles. The risks of smoking marijuana are not as high as smoking tobacco, but Elixio capsules or pills allow the user to avoid the harmful substances produced by the combustion process.

Having mp smoke also makes pills and capsules a very discreet way to ingest cannabis on the go. The cannabis pills do not have the pungent aroma of cannabis herb, enhancing their discretion even more.

Elixio pills can also make dosing more precise and easy. Our full spectrum capsultes have been formulated and tested for potency. This makes it very easy to know exactly how much THC/CBD is being consumed, which is important for medical marijuana patients and those with lower tolerances.
While the pills are powerful, they need to be processed by your liver, requiring much longer to take effect.


Consumers of Cannabis pills may experience one or more of the following beneficial effects anywhere from 30 minutes to up to 2 hours after consumption. These effects may last up to 8 hours:

  • Enhanced mood

  • Decreased social reticence

  • Pain relief

  • Increased appetite

  • Relaxation

  • Sleepiness

  • Creative thought

Benefits of Ingesting Elixio Pills: Discretion, Convenience, No frills medicine, No respiratory side effects, Potency, 

Elixio Lab Recommend the capsules for: Cancer treatment, Chemeotherapy/radiation, HIV, Cronic Pain, Migraine

Elixio Content Range (THC/CBD) =  4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, <10:1 
Cannabinoids: CBD: >0.5-16% / THC: <0.3-27% /  THCA, THCV, CBDA, CBN:1-4%, CBC: 0.5-3.7%, CBG 1-5% plus other 130 cannabinoids+ Terpenes(>150) + Flavonoides(20) + Vitamins: E,A,C,B1,B6 + Minerals: zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassiumStrains: Medicinal Hybrids, Sativa, Indica. from Uruguay, Europe, Canada,Israel

Capsules type 0 =  500mg/0.5ml
Elixio Capsules 25F 5%   (25mg Rosin; 3.75mg THC / 1.25mg CBD)    3:1
Elixio Capsules 50F 10% (50mg Rosin; 7.5mg THC / 2.5mg CBD)        3:1
Elixio Capsules 75F 15% (75mg Rosin; 11.25mg THC / 3
.75mg CBD)  3:1


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