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Rosin is a cannabis concentrate that’s made through an extraction technique which involves applying pressure(Elixio pneumatic presses) in our finest organic cannabis flowers.

As such, rosin has extremely high and best levels of cannabinoids,  terpenes and flavonoids.
In simple words: our Solvent-less extract methods are Rosin Flower, Live Rosin & Rosin Hash


Several important factors differentiate rosin from other concentrates:

Purity- which is a result of not using any type of solvent to separate cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant, but instead only heat, pressure and sift bags with microscopic openings.

No solvent residue- as it’s not used in the process of making it. Many other concentrates have to go through the solvent purification process(Super critic CO2, Ethanol, butane, decarboxylation) and oftentimes there is a lot left on the product. 

Modularity- possibility to manipulate rosin into different textures and consistencies such as shatter, wax and crumble.

The potency of all concentrates absolutely depends on the material used for making them.

What’s also paramount in this equation is the quality of the sifts used in the extraction process, because this also determines how much THC rosin will end up having

ROSIN 101 (all in)

Our RTP Rosin Filter Bags range from 90-160um (or no bag)
Our range of pressing goes from 700 psi to 10.000 psi.
Time/pressure and Temperature applied, according to each strain.


ELIXIOLAB QUALITY  Raw Flower Extraction refference of our Elixio Oils

  ​100mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) =    1-2 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
​  200mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) =    3-4 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
  ​400mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc
...) =    5-6 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
  800mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) = 10-11 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
1200mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) = 15-16 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
1500mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) = 19-20 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers
1800mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc
...) = 24-25 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers

2000mg of Rosin(thc, cbd, cbg, cbc...) = 29-30 grams of Elixio Cannabis Flowers


*REFF. Standard Quality (Industrial)

10mg Rosin(resin), per Cream/Shampoo/ecc. 60ml

100.000 creams 60ml = 1.000g Rosin(resin)

500 creams 60ml = 5g Rosin(resin)

Elixiolab Rosin presses.jpg
Elixiolab Rosin presses.jpg

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Uruguay / Zwitserland

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** Prijzen in Amerikaanse dollars

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